I met a young friend couple of days ago. I know him only because he had approached me to help train him in some tech stuff to ease his job search as a fresher. Me being methodical, I suggested a diligent and thorough approach to master it. My suggestions didn’t convince him, and he ditched both — me and my advice. Probably he wouldn’t have found his first job if he had taken my words. In our last meet, he politely conveyed that he is switching to a new job which has offered him almost double the current compensation. I was still happy for him until he disclosed the figures, which were barely short of my current salary. I wanted to explain to him how my current project offers a great learning experience and exposure that my CTC didn’t matter, and I wanted to unfriend him right away. With my ten years of experience sitting on the keyboard, playing with the mouse, and a blocked video camera, I tried to keep my salary as confidential as possible.
After a good lunch and sitting in my own space, random questions crossed my mind — Do I need that extra cash (of course, I will find a way to spend every extra rupee)? Am I not content with what I have? Do I do it just because he did it? If not, what else is that I want to do? Are these questions too philosophical than practical (philosophy can still be practical)? Am I too lazy and ignorant to find out what I want to do and practice? Am I just looking at short-term goals, and I haven’t realized my PURPOSE yet? I needed a cup of tea to wash down these questions, for which I didn’t have any answers.
I have a couple of friends who are doing what they love, and they call it passion. I’m probably still stuck. I can neither decide what is that I love to do nor have a passion for following yet. Has my train left? Will I spend my night on a strange platform? Is it too late to decide which train to board? Is train too cliche and I will have to find my mode of transport?
I have recently taught myself to be a little happier in any situation (of course, I have got enough help). As everyone says, I’m trying to look at the brighter side and the bigger picture of life. Every day my questions are getting clearer. I’m happy and optimistic; have I found my purpose in life?
It isn’t easy at all. Today’s purpose may flip and change tomorrow. I’m sure you would have been through these situations, or you would have already figured out your purpose. When such questions arise, we think retrospectively, reflect on ourselves, and (try to) find an answer. A right question is all that we need to orient us in the right direction of finding a purpose.
I invite you to fill out this form (If the form does not open, copy the following link and paste it into a browser - https://forms.gle/Ncpr8eWadwDjgTtC7) about your purpose in life. If you haven’t figured it out yet, ask the right question. Your purpose in life may inspire someone. Your questions may help someone to find their purpose in life. It is a small social experiment which I’m up to. Your responses will help me explore further. Cheers!
Here is a collection of previous responses.